dinsdag 4 maart 2008

IR LED quest

The quest for the IR Leds has begun, I was looking for some 3mm IR-Leds (850nm) in the city, but could only found one company who sold them for €1,- a piece, which I found way to expensive. So I went on the internet and found a website called Leds-buy.nl, which appears to be a dutch company that sells IR-Leds for about €0.19 a piece, or €0.14 a piece if you ordered 25+. I placed my order for 35 leds, five extra just in case, and decided to get my resistors at Stuut & Bruin since they only charged me €0.05 a piece for it. Then I also needed a power adapter to power the leds and this they could sell me for €12,-.

So to sum it up:
€ 12.00 -  1x 12 DC; 1000mA Adapter
€ 4.90 - 35x 5mm IR-Leds; 850nm
€ 0.25 - 5x 68ohm resistors
€ 17.25 - Total

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