zondag 13 april 2008

Software Application : Part IV

PuzzleGame Version 2 (Final)

A standard multi-touch puzzle application.

- First make sure the global flash security settings link to the swf.
- Run OSC.
- Run FLOSC.
- Run PuzzleGame.swf.
- Define the screen by touching the red crosses with one finger.
- Puzzle away!

- Insert row; You can insert as many rows as you prefer.
- Insert column; You can insert as many columns as you prefer.
These options make it possible to create your own amount of puzzle pieces.
- Next puzzle; Creates the next puzzle by randomly picking an image from the imagelist.

In the images folder you can find the photo’s and an XML document. It’s possible to add your own photo’s. Just place a photo with a dimension of 400x300 in the images folder and add it to the XML document. Click as much on the Next Puzzle button till your photo appears.

Click here.


10 opmerkingen:

Lars zei

Your PuzzleGame is easy to setup and works well. Nice touch with the four point calibration, which makes it easy to use the interface with a Nintendo Wiimote. Keep up the good work!

Mark van Wijnen zei

Thanks a lot for testing! Easy is exactly the keyword I wanted to accomplish. The TouchLibrary will be just that. You got me a bit curiouse on how you use the wiimote to play the MultiTouch!PuzzleGame. You got a video :P

Lars zei

It's my pleasure :-)

Here is a video: http://www.flickr.com/photos/larswp/2415657683/

Lars zei

Clickable link:

Lars zei

This should work: video

Mark van Wijnen zei

Spammer lol :) The first link worked perfectly, I just copied it in my browser. But WOW! That's really amazing! Besides that it really shows your 1337(elite) puzzle skills :D

Do you also have a multi-touch table or do you only use the wiimote? Amazing to see that the calibration process does is job well with other devices.

I will soon get a camera and I will try and make videos too.

Lars zei

Sorry for spamming couldn'r resist :-)

I'm only using the wiimote right now. Because of it's responsiveness and low latency it is good for testing and developing demos.

I'm looking forward to some videos - and will be follwing your RSS feed.

Mark van Wijnen zei

Are you a developer as well? And if so, is there a website I can see or applications I can test :)

Unknown zei

Your game seems great! I can`t get the download link to work, can you help me please?

Anoniem zei

Try the website http://www.crystalminds.net/.