dinsdag 15 april 2008

New website

For the past few days I have been working on a complete new layout for my personal website CrystalMinds. There are several reasons why I did that. First of all, the current blog gave me limitations, I couldn't create my own page with static content. For example a downloads section. If I would keep on blogging things that I have done and created would be very hard to find. Besides that it would be very hard to know if you had the latest version for example my soon to be release MultiTouch!Library.

Second of all, my personal website shows my process as well and I felt like everything I publish on the blog is a process as well that I want to share on my website.

Third of all, I already owned a website and I figured I might as well put everything in one place, I only needed to include a blogging system.

So with that being said I would like to introduce my NEW website at:

Please change your RSS/Atom feeds and any link you might have to this blog. I am still considering whether or not I should re-post my older posts on my new website.

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